Category - Food

5 simple snacks for Crohn’s disease

5 simple snacks for Crohn’s disease While the consumption of any specific type of food doesn’t cause Crohn’s disease, it can be responsible for triggering a flare-up. The lack of a proper diet can cause problems like...

4 foods for natural treatment of eczema in children

4 foods for natural treatment of eczema in children An inflammatory skin condition, eczema causes skin irritation, itchy rashes, and blisters. It commonly affects kids younger than 2 years, but older children may also...

4 nutrient rich snacks to help manage diabetes

One faces a lot of dietary limitations in diabetes since the blood sugar level, weight, and other similar factors need to be kept under control. The condition can give rise to numerous health complications but the right...

4 healthy and delicious snacks for kids

Snacks are a great way to add some healthy ingredients to your kid’s diet. The packaged, processed snacks contain artificial flavors and colors that are extremely unhealthy and should be avoided. Instead of giving your...

What Are the Health Benefits of Lemongrass?

Lemongrass, also referred to as citronella, is a stalky tropical grass with a subtly tangy yet refreshing lemon aroma. Often featured as a bug repellant or in aromatic products that promote a good night’s slumber or...

The Top Food Allergies in Cats and Dogs

Like people, food allergies can occur in pets at almost any age. Just like in humans, allergic response in cats and dogs is triggered when the immune system responds negatively to specific proteins during digestion...

Common Sources of Food Toxicity in Pets

You’re eating dinner and all of a sudden Fido or Fluffy flashes those big brown eyes and lets out a cute meow or woof. I know it can be tough to resist giving your beloved pet a little lick or bite of your favorite...

4 foods that can aid in reversing hair loss

Everyone loves their luscious locks, and even when people— men and women alike — find too many errant strands of hair on their clothes, it becomes an instant cause of worry. No matter how many appointments you have with...

Foods to eat and avoid for nasal congestion

Nasal congestion causes a stuffy nose and makes breathing difficult. Often triggered by allergies, common cold, flu, and sinus infections, nasal congestion can be quite an annoyance and cause a lot of discomfort. It can...

7 foods to help with hypertension

Hypertension is caused due to high blood pressure that occurs when there is increased pressure of blood against the artery walls. If not detected on time, the increased pressure can cause damage to blood vessels. This...