7 foods to help with hypertension

Hypertension is caused due to high blood pressure that occurs when there is increased pressure of blood against the artery walls. If not detected on time, the increased pressure can cause damage to blood vessels. This can lead to stroke, heart diseases, and kidney disease. Hypertension does not have any early signs and symptoms. It a long-term chronic health problem that does not have a permanent cure, but it can be easily managed with medication, exercise, and diet.

To control hypertension, one of the simplest ways is to manage one’s diet. Excess sodium in the body is one of the major triggers of high blood pressure. By adding certain food groups to the diet, one can control the intake of sodium. Read on to know more about the various foods that help in hypertension management.

  • Dark chocolate: Eating about 100 grams of dark chocolate in a day may lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. Chocolate that has more than 60 percent cocoa solids and a lower percentage of sugar is considered good for health. Dark chocolate can be added to fruits or yogurt as a nutritious alternative for dessert.
  • Green leafy vegetables: Leafy vegetables are rich sources of potassium. Excess sodium in the body, which may pose a risk for hypertension, is eliminated through the urine by potassium. This helps in lowering blood pressure. People with hypertension can include romaine lettuce, arugula, kale, turnip greens, collard greens, spinach, beet greens, and Swiss chard in their diet. It is best to avoid canned vegetables since these have a high amount of sodium. Pick fresh vegetables or frozen veggies.
  • Olive oil: Olive oil is a healthy fat option packed with polyphenols, and it lowers blood pressure by fighting inflammation. With olive oil, one can meet two-three servings of daily dietary fat allowance. This oil is a nutritious alternative to commercial salad dressing, butter, and canola oil.
  • Fish: Fatty fish is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and lean proteins. Adding fish to the regular diet is a great way to reduce blood pressure, lower inflammation, and reduce triglycerides. Moreover, certain fishes such as trout also contain vitamin D, which can be quite useful in lowering hypertension. One can add fishes such as salmon and mackerel to their diet. These are not only easy to cook but are also flavorsome.
  • Pistachios: Eating pistachios can reduce peripheral vascular resistance, also known as blood vessel tightening. It also reduces the heart rate. One serving of pistachios can easily lower blood pressure and take care of hypertension. These can be had as is or can be added to salads, pesto sauces, and crusts.
  • Herbs and garlic: Adding garlic to one’s diet can increase the percentage of nitric acid in the body. This helps widen the arteries, reducing blood pressure and alleviating the symptoms of hypertension. This process of widening the arteries is also known as vasodilation. Moreover, adding herbs and spices during cooking helps reduce the intake of salt in the diet. Herbs and spices such as cinnamon, basil, thyme, parsley, and rosemary not only add flavor to food but also help in controlling hypertension.
  • Oatmeal: Oatmeal has a high percentage of fiber, low fat, and low sodium. It is quite effective in lowering hypertension. Moreover, adding oatmeal to breakfast is a healthy way to give a power start to one’s day. It is also a good idea to have overnight oats for breakfast to manage hypertension well. To make overnight oats, soak half a cup each of nut milk and rolled oats in a jar. In the morning, have this hearty breakfast with granola, berries, and a dash of cinnamon.