Ways to manage deep vein thrombosis at home

A medical condition where blood clot forms in the veins is known as deep vein thrombosis. A deep vein blood clot can be caused in any part of the body. However, it is usually formed in the thighs or calf. Once diagnosed with DVT, one is in risk of a life-threatening complication known as pulmonary embolism. Hence, treating DVT is extremely important. A few lifestyle changes and home remedies prove quite effective in treating the symptoms as well as preventing another blood clot formation.

Tips for managing deep vein thrombosis symptoms at home
Deep vein thrombosis does not cause prevalent symptoms. However, it does result in leg pain and swelling in some people. The pain feels like an intense cramp and usually, is located in the calf area. Some home remedies one can try at home to ease the pain are-

  • Walking
    To improve the blood flow in the legs, simple walking proves effective. Aiming for simply three to five minutes walking every day will reflect improvement in the blood flow.
  • Wear graduated compression stockings
    These stockings are especially tight at the feet and then become gradually loose up on the leg. This ensures that a gentle pressure is there which keeps blood from clotting and pooling.
  • Elevating the affected leg
    Elevating the affected leg is an important exercise. Make sure the foot is higher than the hip for elevating the leg.

Tips for preventing deep vein thrombosis
It is important to make changes in the lifestyle along with managing the symptoms in order to ensure that one is not diagnosed with DVT again. Below are some people who are high at risk of developing DVT-

  • Heavy smokers
  • Pregnant women
  • People who have had surgeries in the lower extremities
  • People who have a family history of DVT

Some of the lifestyle changes that help in preventing this condition are-

  • Reducing salt and sugar intake in order to lower the blood pressure.
  • Reducing extra kilos if one is overweight.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing while traveling.
  • Keep yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of fluids.
  • Getting up and walking around and avoid sitting for a longer period of time. Flex your feet to stretch out the calves.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Exercising every day like swimming or walking.
  • If you are on bed rest or after surgery, wear graduated compression stockings.

Herbs for preventing deep vein thrombosis
Adding certain herbs in the diet in limited quantities help in the prevention of blood clot and hence, DVT. However, consuming these herbs in large quantities or consuming vitamin or herbal supplements is usually not recommended. Below are some of the herbs that are effective in preventing blood clots-

  • Ginger
    Ginger contains salicylate acid which helps in the prevention of DVT. Acetylsalicylic acid is derived from salicylate and commonly known as aspirin. It helps in preventing stroke. Ginger has many other health benefits as well.
  • Vitamin E
    Foods that contain vitamin E have natural blood thinners. Olive, soyabean oil, and corn are great sources of vitamin E. Even kale, spinach, almonds, tomato, broccoli, and mango are also vitamin E-rich foods.
  • Turmeric
    The herb turmeric contains curcumin which is known for its blood thinning properties. Curcumin helps in improving the function of the lining of the blood vessels and additionally, it helps in regulating blood pressure and hence, preventing blood clotting.