Category - Health

Understanding Thyroid Diseases

The food we eat is converted into energy to run cellular processes and into building blocks for carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acid. This process is held out by a phenomenon known as metabolism. Metabolism...

Find Relief from Gout Pain Through Diet

Uric acid is a chemical our body creates when it breaks down the purines, a substance naturally produced by the body and found in certain foods and drinks. Uric acid gets dissolved in the blood and reaches the kidneys...

Diagnosing and Treating Chronic Allergies

An allergic reaction is what occurs when your body is extra sensitive to a given substance and the immune system reacts to it. People can have a food allergy, asthma, pollen allergy, and environmental or seasonal...

Treating and Preventing Tooth Decay and Cavities

Tooth decay or cavity is permanent damage that occurs on the hard surface of a tooth, enamel, making its way to the roots by developing holes in the tooth. The cavity is formed when plaque, bacteria in the mouth...

Health Benefits of Iron Injections and Iron Infusions

Iron is an essential mineral of the body that is primarily responsible for the transportation of oxygen throughout the body. It is an essential component of hemoglobin and lack of the same affects the healthy red blood...

Treatments for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Cancer has been and continues to be one of the most formidable, incurable health ailments that can be treated only if it is diagnosed in its early stages. Part of the trepidation that is associated with cancer is due to...

Hair Removal and Shaving Tips for Women

It can seem like a hit or a miss for some of us trying to get a good shave. If you love a relatively hairless body, you might perform some means of hair removal on your legs, armpits and bikini area at least once a week...

Treatment and Management of High Cholesterol

A wax-like substance, cholesterol is present in the fats that are part of the blood stream. It is an essential chemical compound of the body and contributes in the process of building healthy body cells. However, the...